The easiest and quickest way to learn self-hypnosis is to be hypnotized and given a posthypnotic suggestion to the effect that you will be able to put yourself into the hypnotic state at a given stimulus whenever you desire to do so. The hypnotist need not be a professional. Anyone understanding the rudiments of hypnosis can do this. However, let us assume you want to learn self-hypnosis and cannot find help. If you understand and consciously practice the instructions that I shall outline, you will attain your goal.
Sit in an easy chair or recline on a sofa or bed. Next, choose a point of eye fixation on the ceiling, preferably a spot behind you which would normally cause eye fatigue or strain. Now, breathe very slowly and deeply. As you do this, repeat, aloud or mentally, the word “sleep” as you inhale and “deep sleep” as you exhale. Do this for several minutes in a very monotonous manner until such time as you find yourself getting drowsy. Next, suggest to yourself that your eyelids are becoming heavy and tired. The goal is to acquire eye closure using this method. You want to reach a state where it is uncomfortable to keep the eyes open.
Once you get your eyes closing, seemingly of their own volition, you have reached the first step in achieving self-hypnosis.
You can repeat to yourself such suggestions as, “My eyelids are becoming very heavy and tired … My eyes are becoming very watery … My eyelids are blinking … I just want to close my eyes … The moment I close my eyelids, I shall fall into a deep, sound, hypnotic sleep … Even though in a deep state of hypnosis, I shall be aware of my surroundings and be able to direct posthypnotic suggestions to my subconscious mind.”
When your eyelids actually become heavy or when your eyes actually begin to water, you intensify these feelings by repeating affirmative suggestions along these very lines. This is known as “the feed-back technique” and helps to reinforce the actual condition that exists.
Proceeding in this way hastens the actual closing of the eyes and attainment of the hypnotic state, per se.