Accredited nursing programs are actually a little thought about and also less discussed topic for a lot nursing students. Nevertheless, its a vital problem if you are ever heading to advance your nurse education.
There are approximately 1500 accredited nursing programs in the United State at this time. There are many more non-accredited nursing programs. But I am getting too far ahead of myself. First you must certainly find out what this complete accreditation issue is.
Accreditation is, in its most straightforward form, a way to standardize the academic training routine that a nurse endures- Imean receives. To improve with this standardization, the US Department of Education seems to recognize particular businesses that help to regulate nursing standards. The two most outstanding businesses are the NLNAC and the CCNE.
In essence the NLNAC and CCNE tell the nursing schools if these folks meet up with the standard accreditation guidelines, with which I should not bore you at this time. There are various secondary accrediting bodies like the The Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs or the Joint Review Committee on Education for Diagnostic Medical Sonography, and far more depending on your specialty.
There are also varying types of accreditation. Most are only regional- that signifies if you move to a different area of the country- guess what? You don’t possess the correct stage of education to work here- go back and enroll in these authorized classes.
Are you beginning see how this can greatly have an effect on your nursing education and career?
The nursing programs kind of self control in the sense that these folks don’t ned to apply. You see, even though you go through a non-accredited nursing program you most likely could still be able to sit for the NCLEX (relying on your stae board registration requirements.. So some occasions there are colleges whom don’t quite make the cut, or they simply don’t desire to fuss with an application (who desires much more report work anyway).
Right here’s the hitch though. In most cases, if you don’t attend an authorized nursing college, you cant make use of that training to move up (as in an RN to BSN or Masters of Nursing degree). Let me say it again,
If you don’t pick an authorized nursing program, you may not be able to get a higher degree later.
This can be really frustrating for you if you go get your RN at a non-accredited nursing college and after that five years in the future you would like to get into administration and need a BSN and find that none of your past schooling degrees will apply!
If you are considering about getting governmental financial aid- don’t. The the US government wishes you to be accredited so that’s the place these folks prefer to see the funds go. Now, you MAY be allowed to get governmental financial help at a non-accredited nursing college but don’t count on it.
So, nursing students watch out! Do a small amount of studying upfront prior to starting off your program to ensure they are accredited and at what degree. For more nursing career path facts you can visit the site.
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