Your second child is on the way. In fact, you’re in your third trimester and have been having vivid nightmares about the excruciating pain that heralded the birth of your firstborn. You really wish there were some way to avoid this experience. Maybe you could trade it for something less, well, painful. It is precisely this desire to avoid pain which has caused countless women to try childbirth hypnosis.
Click on the picture for natural childbirth with hypnosis:

Hypnosis has already been proven to work to lessen pain in areas such as dentistry and personal therapy after injury. It just makes sense that if this technique can be used to lessen pain in one area that it could do so for something as physically difficult as childbirth.
Childbirth hypnosis is generally a self-hypnosis and is a conscious choice on the part of the mother. No one else can put you under hypnosis at such a stressful time besides yourself. Some women choose to have a hypnotherapist present to assist in achieving the self-hypnotic state, but that hypnotherapist is strictly a guide and cannot actually hypnotize the mother.
The vast majority of the population are able to be hypnotized (approximately 90%), but your willingness to actually believe in the power of childbirth hypnosis is critical to its success. Believe it or not, the stronger your will, the more stubborn you are, the easier it will be for you to achieve that self-hypnotic state where you will be able to enjoy a relaxed, pain-free birth.
Childbirth hypnosis is a fantastic alternative to using potentially harmful drugs. This is also a viable option for those women who have various allergies to certain medications. This means your newborn will not be subjected to those same medications.
There are lots of myths and rumors surrounding hypnosis in general which just do not apply when dealing with childbirth hypnosis. For example, many people believe that when they are hypnotized they can be made to do things they wouldn’t normally do or say things they wouldn’t normally say. This just is not the case here because you are not being hypnotized by an external entity.
You are practicing self-hypnosis which is very similar to how people calm themselves down when they’re extremely frightened, angry, or upset. You will not tell people any of your secrets (or theirs that you might be safe-guarding). You will not suddenly have an urge to “cluck” like a chicken. You are in complete control of your body and thoughts at all times. You have the ability to bring yourself out of the hypnotic state at any time.
You will want to find a qualified hypnotherapist in your area to begin guiding you so you are ready on the birthing day. Most childbirth hypnosis training sessions run for about 6-7 meetings and vary in price. There are also home study courses available so that you don’t have to try to find time to run to someone’s office once or twice a week. Simply use a reliable search engine and use keywords such as “childbirth hypnosis home study” and you will have a ton of options available.
The important point to remember is that your childbirth does not have to be painful or stressful for you or your new baby if you choose to deliver using childbirth hypnosis. In fact, most mothers who have used these hypnosis techniques never mention any pain at all. They simply have very fond, very vivid memories of that wonderful day.
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