Law of Attraction Hypnosis
Initially the law of attraction was used to refer to physical structures and how matter actually develops. In modern times, however, the law of attraction has come to deal more with the mental and spiritual planes than anything tangible. In fact there are many websites and course offerings for law of attraction hypnosis which is designed to help people lead a more fulfilled, successful life.
The basic premise of law of attraction hypnosis is that when we think about things we want our minds send out that energy which helps to bring those things closer to us. If we think about something hard enough, often enough, and with sincerity then they will eventually come to us.
This makes a degree of sense. Think of someone you know who always seems to have a black cloud over their head. Bad things always happen to them and those around them. They often suffer from a range of ailments and illnesses.
With law of attraction hypnosis, the theory is that these people are drawing these negative elements to themselves. They are always thinking negative thoughts about themselves and their surroundings. In short, they have powerful minds which are controlling what’s going on in their lives but in a negative, rather than a positive manner.
How The Law Of Attraction Hypnosis Works?
The law of attraction hypnosis procedure should help a person control what thoughts they are sending out to the universe. This will help ensure that more positive elements come to them than negative ones. This will mean that instead of the person always thinking and worrying about how bad they feel, they will finally be able to focus on how positive and energized they feel. If they believe this to be true, it will become so because they will draw that truth to them and make it a part of themselves.
There are four primary steps in the law of attraction hypnosis. First you must know exactly what you want. You have to be very clear and concise (think of it as a contract with no loopholes). Second, you have to send those thoughts out into the universe on a regular basis. Depending on what you are looking to change in your life this could be a daily affirmation type thing, or it may need to be a mantra which you repeat frequently over the course of the day.
Third, you must begin to behave and believe that this element is already yours- you already have the great job, the wonderful family, a beautiful home, etc. This is very similar to the visualizing technique used by most famous athletes. They imagine themselves winning the game, the meet, the match…and they do.
Finally, you have to be open to receiving your request in whatever form it comes. You may wake up and realize that you don’t actually want or need that beautiful home across town because the home you’re currently in meets all of your needs and provides you with the safety and security you desire. You have to remember that sometimes what you think you want has been there all along.
The law of attraction hypnosis will help you to see your world in a new, more positive light, but you must be receptive and you must be willing to let go of preconceived notions.
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