Following the reasoning that the subconscious mind can be affected, you can see that a problem could present itself even though the subject consciously wishes to be hypnotized. Unconsciously, there may be a poor interrelationship with the hypnotist which can create an unfavorable climate for hypnosis. When this is the case, the subject doesn’t respond until such time that he relates well to the hypnotist. Even the most calculated procedures will fail until a positive transference relationship is established. I am sure that you sometimes have said, “For some reason I don’t like that person.” If pressed for an answer, you’ll usually reply, “I can’t explain it, but I just have a feeling about him.” Actually, your subconscious reactions are influencing your thinking and you “feel” a certain way. The same thing takes place in business transactions.
You either like or dislike the proposition presented to you. You may say, “I have a certain feeling about this deal.” You may not be conscious of the reasons, but your subconscious has reacted automatically because of previous experience along similar lines.
In giving you some insight into the hypnotic procedure, I am trying to point out certain problems in regard to achieving self-hypnosis. For the most part, it is not a simple procedure that is accomplished immediately. You can’t just will it. It requires working toward a specific goal and following definite procedures which eventually lead to success.
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