Before beginning to give yourself therapeutic suggestions, you could give yourself the following suggestions which give you a _specific length of time_ that you will work with self-hypnosis:
“I shall work with self-hypnosis for 15 minutes. At the end of that time, I shall open my eyes and wake up feeling wonderfully well, wide awake, confident, cheerful and optimistic. The moment I open my eyes,
I’ll feel refreshed. In case of any outside danger, I’ll be able to awaken immediately, be fully alert and act accordingly.” You will notice that these suggestions take into consideration the possibility of something happening of danger to the individual, such as fire, etc. These points arise in the minds of most individuals attempting self-hypnosis and are well taken. You could also set an alarm clock to awaken you at a designated time.
Let us assume to arouse yourself you gave yourself a suggestion to open your eyes and be wide awake at the count of five. You count to five and for some reason you are unable to open your eyes. First of all, DON’T WORRY. Remain relaxed and give yourself the suggestions over again, emphasizing to yourself that at the count of five you will absolutely, positively be able to open your eyes very easily and will feel fine. You then begin the count again reiterating between each number that you will positively open your eyes at the count of five and be wide awake. This should do it. Should this not do it, may I reassure you again, DON’T BECOME ALARMED. Relax for a few minutes and try again. You’ll be able to open your eyes and wake up.
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