Self-hypnosis is a self-inducing treatment you perform to alter your thoughts and behaviors. Men and women alike use hypnotic techniques to reduce stress, achieve balance in their lives, and alter their feelings about food to help them lose weight.
Self hypnosis is done without a trained professional, but uses the same techniques that a hypnotherapist would. Some people try traditional methods of treating stress or losing weight, which commonly means popping a pill that a medical professional prescribes for you.
In order for self-hypnosis to work, you have to be open-minded to the treatment. The more you believe in its ability to help you, the higher chance of success you’ll have. If you scoff at the idea, it’ll be difficult to achieve the kind of results that you’d hoped for.
Before you attempt self-hypnosis on your own, it helps to have some guidance through the process. If you’re using it for stress, then you want to try to get into a relaxing state, away from the hustle and bustle of the day.
Some people actually carry their self-hypnosis CDs with them on the go – so that when the day does turn chaotic, they can quickly return to a calming state without anyone ever knowing they were treating themselves for stress reduction!
You want to be able to focus on the technique and not have a myriad of interruptions because you’ll just add to the stress. Turn off the radio, the Television, and the cell phone while you’re conducting your self-hypnosis and dedicate the allotted time to your well-being.
If you’re using self-hypnosis as a weight loss strategy, then you can do it at any time you feel the urge to eat or on a regular schedule that you choose to help curb your bad behaviors.
Allow yourself to focus for a minimum of 15 minutes. Many people find it hard to devote a single second to themselves, but if you want to change your thoughts, you have to work on it just as you would any other learning experience.
While you’re in this relaxed state, plant suggestions in your mind about how you want to behave or see life in a better light. Visualize the pounds dropping or see yourself in paradise without even the slightest amount of stress.
Your subconscious mind will adopt those suggestions and each day, they’ll be nurtured until they grow enough to become what’s normal for you. Soon, it will be effortless and you’ll only need to call upon self-hypnosis for a refresher now and then if you feel stressed or see bad eating habits creeping back into your life.
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