The first time I tried this, I imagined myself surrounded by a group of women. I wasn’t very specific about it. I just imagined me being the center of attention.
Two days later… I experienced it. Only… They were all ganging up on me!
These women were actually my aunts and cousins and they were enjoying “bashing” my self-esteem! Telling me I was wrong, that my opinions didn’t matter…
…I’m not going to entertain those thoughts anymore. That’s why you must be specific about it!
I experimented with the “law of attraction” – which basically means your thoughts give you exactly what you think!
Yes! You experience what you think!
The biggest mistake I realize now that I made was that I had imagined it with anger! I was mad because I wanted to force the outcome. So, it brought out the situation where I became angry.
I got exactly what I thought and felt. So your emotion has a lot to do with it, too. You must make sure you feel good. Listen, at first I made so many mistakes but I never stopped experimenting with this law of the universe that applies to everyone.
Now, it’s no joke when I say… everything you think DOES come true good or bad. There’s no getting around it. It’s a LAW of the universe.
So think about your social situation that you have a problem with. Think about what it is that you don’t like about your problem… and then, stop thinking about it!
Don’t give one ounce of energy towards it. Instead, change your mind about what you’re going to start experiencing socially starting today.
Suppose you’re tired of not making enough sales. Start imagining every morning and every night the end result. That is, imagine what it’s like (no matter how big or small) once you’ve gotten it. Suppose you want to break the company sales record. Here’s how I did it. I simply imagined in my mind my boss congratulating me. Employees “Wowed” me. I got a raise, a promotion. I was in control of a large percentage of the company.
What happened? I got the raise. I got the promotion. I was given more control of the company. Employees took me out to celebrate. I made history! And I made it with my imagination! I predicted, and controlled my future events!