Whenever a person commits something which is not justifiable and is not correct then he often feel shameful of his act or he feels guilty of doing it. There is a huge difference between a feeling of shame and guilt. A person feels shameful when he is disappointed from what he has done and is feeling extremely bad. When some person dishonors a person because of his act then he feels shame. Guilt arises when a person realizes that his act has hurt someone. Guilt is often related with acts of crime. Overcoming such negative feelings is very important because no one can live in a state of shame happily.
So overcoming shame is essentially important. Now the question that arises is how to overcome shame. Overcoming shame is not very difficult. Obviously it is easily said but not easily done. You will have to follow the steps that I am going to mention in the next few lines if you want to overcome shame. Living with such emotions and feeling is the most difficult thing because it does not allow you to concentrate on any other thing. It grips a person from inside so hard that a person finds it hard to trounce over it. But a person with such strong negative emotions also reaches a saturation point when can not take any such thing any more. At this point of time that person must follow these steps:
- First of all realize what have you done that are making you feel this way. After analyzing the shameful act done by you say sorry to all those who were hurt by you.
- After you have confessed about your act to others and also apologized for your mistake you will naturally start feeling relaxed.
- For overcoming shame the thing which is more important than being forgiven by person whom you hurt is to forgive yourself.
- Until and unless you exonerate yourself you will not be able to overcome shame.
Absolve and let go the past. Promise to yourself that whatever you did was a mistake and you will never ever repeat it. Make sure you never think about your past again but you must learn from your past.