Some things in our present life are linked to the lives we have already lived. Past life regression is a technique which helps an individual to peek in the past lives and get answers to the questions of foregoing life. This technique of past life regression is based on hypnotism. Hypnotism is used to allow a person to go back to the former lives. Repressed memories are surfaced in past life regression techniques where in a person is hypnotized and sent back to one of his or her earlier life. Expert asks various questions to the patient who is traveling back his past life and tries to correlate them with his present life.
Click on the picture to discover your past life:

Almost everyday physiatrists are consulted by patients who are suffering from depression or mental imbalance. Some experiences of the patients are seriously unrivaled and physiatrists uses past life regression therapy for curing the problem. Lots of patients are now leading a happy and sound life after they underwent this therapy. Hypnotism is the key to this therapy. Hypnotism takes the person to his past life while he is unconscious. The expert under whose presence this happens constantly asks questions to the patient who can hear what the doctor is asking. The continuous question and answer session during hypnotism allows the patient and doctor to stay connected.
This therapy is always surrounded with controversies. Those who practice this therapy for providing cure to their patients have written volume data which proves that this therapy of past life regression works wonders for patients. But those who oppose this therapy states that this therapy is used by amateurs for minting money. Hypnotism and past life regression therapy are both contentious topics which have some successful and unsuccessful data base. But this truth cannot be denied that it has actually taken people back to their past lives and leveled their present life.
Its effectiveness can be compared to that with the presence or absence of god in our world. Similar to the controversies and doubts surmounting the presence of a mighty power named god this therapy of past life regression is also doubted by many. But the number of believers and successful cases of Hypnotism are way a head of failure and disbelievers. Past life regression is indeed an effective technique as supported by data provided by numerous experts and research scientists.