Have you heard about the Asian art of Reiki and its healing abilities?Reiki has now evolved to two genre: eastern and western.Both are thought to increase a patient’s own healing powers and to increase circulation overall.
It will help you decide what Reiki will work for you by knowing them better.Main difference between two Reikis is on what they highlight on the procedures to cure the illness; energy tranfer is for the eastern while pressure points is of western.
Following up will be a more detailed information for each of the Reikis.
Healing thru eastern Reiki is done by transporting the healer’s energy to the body of the patient through the pressure points.Abdomen is especially treated in this type of curing.
Not only the physical illness is being healed in this traditional Reiki way but it aims to touch the whole being including the psyche and mental parts of the person.In order for the Reiki therapist to heal patients, he himself should always exude positivity.It is a Japanese belief that the palms could keep and release energy that can heal and this what traditional Reiki is all about.
Unlike the traditional laying of palms over the body, western Reiki has lots of massage and pressure applications.These pressure points are meant to increase circulation and the body’s own healing abilities.Applying pressure in the right areas can release toxins built up in the body and can also relax muscles, which in turn allows the body to heal.
Although western Reiki is not using crystals, it still practices the healing through energy transport.Massage and applying pressure to the body can lead to healing illnesses with the power of healing that lies on the hand of the therapist.
Western and Eastern Reiki always emphasize the over-all well-being of the person to help the body heal diseases on its own.When a person is stressed or anxious, the body releases chemicals and hormones that get in the way of healing properly.
These two types of Reiki address this issue with a patient as well; they are encouraged to relax, to keep their minds open, and to take a positive approach to healing and to life overall so that the body is strengthened to heal itself as much as possible.